Coaching Lifestyle

Systems and structures to help you lose weight.

Reaching your health and wellness goals requires more than just having good intentions; at large it involves creating an environment that supports those intentions and establishing a dynamic process to bring them to fruition.

This is where the collaboration between systems and structures comes into play. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they have distinct roles in facilitating personal growth and well-being.

Let’s explore how setting up systems and structures can work together to help you reach your health and wellness objectives.

Understanding Systems and Structures

Systems are a set of unified elements that work together to achieve a specific purpose. In of health and wellness, systems are dynamic processes that include routines, habits, tools, and support networks. They are adaptable and evolve based on feedback and changing circumstances.

Structures, on the other hand, refer to the organization and arrangement of these elements. They provide a stable framework within which systems operate. Structures are more static, offering a consistent foundation that supports the dynamic processes of systems.

The Role of Structure

1. Stability and Consistency

Structures provide a stable environment that supports the consistent application of health and wellness practices. For example, having a daily schedule with set times for meals, exercise, work, and relaxation creates a predictable routine that helps reinforce healthy habits.

2. Organization

An organized environment reduces friction and makes it easier to stick to your wellness plan. This could mean having a dedicated space for exercise, keeping healthy foods at eye level in your kitchen, or using a planner to map out your goals and tasks.

3. Framework for Action

Structures offer a framework within which systems can function effectively. For instance, a weekly planning session (structure) provides the time and space to review progress, set goals, and adjust your action plans (system).

The Role of Systems

1. Dynamic Processes

Systems involve the day-to-day activities and behaviours that move you towards your goals. This includes everything from your morning routine and exercise regimen to meal planning and stress management practices.

2. Adaptability

Unlike structures, systems are adaptable. They respond to feedback and can be adjusted based on what is or isn’t working. If a particular exercise routine becomes monotonous, you can tweak the system by incorporating new activities to keep things engaging.

3. Interconnected Elements

Systems are made up of interconnected elements that work together harmoniously. For example, a system for maintaining a balanced diet might include meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and tracking nutritional intake. Each element supports the others to create a cohesive approach to nutrition.

How Systems and Structures Work Together

1. Creating a Supportive Environment

Structures like having an organized kitchen or a dedicated workout space are how you create an environment that supports the systems you put in place. When your environment is conducive to healthy behaviours, it becomes easier to maintain them consistently.

2. Enhancing Accountability

Structures such as regular check-ins with an accountability partner or a scheduled support group meeting provide the framework for ongoing support and motivation. Within this structure, the system you have set up of regular communication and feedback helps keep you on track.

3. Facilitating Goal Achievement

Systems and structures together make the process of achieving goals more manageable. For instance, setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals provides a structured approach to goal setting, while regular progress tracking and adjustment ensures that you stay on course.

4. Ensuring Consistency and Adaptability

Structures offer the consistency needed to form habits, while systems allow flexibility to adapt those habits as needed. A consistent daily schedule (structure) supports the formation of exercise and mindfulness practices (systems), which can be adjusted based on feedback and progress.

Example: Integrating Systems and Structures

Consider the goal of improving overall fitness. The structure might include:

  • A daily schedule with set times for exercise.
  • A dedicated workout space at home.
  • A weekly planning session to review progress and plan workouts.

Within this structure, the system could involve:

  • A mix of exercise routines that include cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
  • Using a fitness app to track your progress
  • Regular check-ins with a fitness coach or workout buddy for support and accountability.

By working together, the structure provides the stability and organization needed to maintain the fitness routine. The system allows dynamic and adaptable processes to keep you engaged and progressing towards your goals.

A Client’s Journey

Meet Tendai, a 30-year-old professional who has decided to prioritize her health and wellness. She sets a goal to lose weight, increase her energy levels, and manage stress better.

Through coaching the following setup is how Tendai combines a structured approach with dynamic systems that adapt to her needs.

Setting Up the Structure

  1. Daily Schedule
    • Morning Routine: Tendai wakes up at 6 AM every day. Her morning routine includes 10 minutes of stretching, 15 minutes on the treadmill, a healthy breakfast on some days and fasting on other days.
    • Work Routine: Tendai has a structured workday from 5 am-5 pm, with scheduled breaks which she uses for short walks and makes sure she eats healthy snacks.
    • Evening Routine: After work, she exercises for 30 minutes, followed by a nutritious dinner as well as 1 hour of reading or relaxing before bed.
  2. Organized Environment
    • Kitchen Setup: Tendai organizes her kitchen to make healthy eating easy. She keeps fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods at eye level and preps meals for the week every Sunday.
    • Workout Space: She creates a workout area in her home with a yoga mat, resistance bands, and weights, making it convenient to exercise without needing to go to the gym. Now there is nothing wrong with going to the gym. You can include going to the gym in your routine.
  3. Weekly Planning Session
    • Every Sunday evening, Tendai reviews her goals and plans her meals and workouts for the week. She uses a planner to map out her schedule and sets specific, achievable goals for the coming days.

Implementing Dynamic Systems

  1. Exercise Routine
    • Tendai follows a varied exercise routine that includes a mix of cardio, strength training, and yoga. She uses a fitness app to track her workouts and progress. If she feels bored or reaches her capacity, she adjusts her routine by trying new exercises or increasing the intensity.
  2. Healthy Eating System
    • Tendai plans her meals based on a balanced diet. She uses a meal planning app to create grocery lists and track what she eats. She allows herself to have occasional treats to maintain a balanced approach and prevent feeling deprived.
  3. Stress Management
    • Tendai incorporates mindfulness practices into her daily routine. She uses a meditation app for guided sessions and also takes short breaks during her workday to practice deep breathing exercises. Scheduling time to do hobbies she enjoys, like painting, sewing and gardening, helps her to destress.
  4. Support Network
    • Tendai joins an online wellness group on Whattsup where she shares her progress and gains inspiration from others. She has a weekly check-in call with a friend who is on a similar health journey, providing mutual support and accountability.

By combining a structured environment with adaptable systems, Tendai creates a sustainable approach to achieving her health and wellness goals. The structure provides stability and consistency, while her systems offer flexibility and responsiveness, making her journey both effective and enjoyable.

Systems and Structures Chart

Weekly Example for Client

  • Monday:
    • 6:00 AM: Wake up, stretch, meditate, and have breakfast.
    • 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Work with scheduled breaks for a walk and healthy snacks.
    • 6:00 PM: 30-minute workout in her home gym.
    • 7:00 PM: Dinner and evening relaxation.
  • Tuesday:
    • Same morning routine.
    • Lunchtime walk and mindfulness practice.
    • Evening: Try a new Zumba class online to keep the workout routine interesting.
  • Wednesday:
    • Morning routine and structured workday.
    • Prepare a new healthy recipe for dinner.
    • Join a virtual support group meeting in the evening.
  • Thursday:
    • Morning routine.
    • Midday workout session to break the work routine.
    • Evening relaxation with a hobby like painting.
  • Friday:
    • Morning routine.
    • Workday with a focus on hydration and healthy snacks.
    • Fun activity in the evening, like a movie night with friends.
  • Weekend:
    • Flexible schedule but includes meal prep, a long outdoor walk, and self-care activities to establish a routine.
    • Sunday evening planning session to review goals and plan for the upcoming week.


The collaboration of systems and structures is crucial in achieving your health and wellness goals. A structure will provide you with a stable foundation and organization skills necessary to support dynamic systems, which are the adaptable processes that drive progress.

By designing both systems and structures that work for you, you can support your health and wellness journey but also make it sustainable and enjoyable. Embrace how these two elements can help you unlock your full potential and achieve lasting well-being.

How Can I Help You?

I am a Health and Wellness coach specialising in building habits, mindset, and holistic weight loss. I love helping people come up with solutions that work for them for long-term weight loss.

I help you develop lifetime habits and mindsets that will help you lose weight for good and keep it off.

My Coaching Programs are a complete all-in-one habits, mindset and holistic weight loss personal coaching program that gives you everything you need to transform your life.

  • knowledge
  • systems
  •  tools
  • skills
  • structure
  • accountability

And support to help you lose weight for good so you can reclaim your freedom, vitality, and quality of life.

All you need to do is take the first step in your transformation


Angee's Health and Wellness Coaching

Health and Wellness Coach

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