Have you ever had a weight loss coach? Having a weight loss coach can significantly enhance your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Here are some reasons why partnering with a coach can be a game-changer:

  1. Personalized Plans: A weight loss coach can work with you to create goals tailored into a plan specific to where you are and where you want to be, including lifestyle and goals. Unlike one-size-fits-all diet plans, this personalized approach increases your chances of success.
  2. Accountability: Regular check-ins with a coach keep you accountable, making it less likely for you to stray from your goals. Knowing someone is helping you track your progress can motivate you to stay on track.
  3. Expert Guidance: Weight loss coaches have the expertise to navigate challenges and plateaus. They work with you to see what’s working and what’s not and adjust your plan accordingly based on your progress
  4. Emotional Support: The journey to weight loss can be emotionally taxing. A coach offers support and encouragement, helping you overcome moments of doubt or frustration.
  5. Education: Coaches provide valuable resources on nutrition, exercise, and healthy habits, empowering you to make informed decisions that benefit your weight loss journey and overall health.
  6. Sustainability: Instead, of quick fixes, a weight loss coach focuses on sustainable lifestyle changes. This approach helps you maintain your weight loss long term, rather than experiencing the common cycle of yo-yo dieting.
  7. Confidence Building: As you achieve your milestones, a coach is there to celebrate your victories with you. This recognition helps build confidence in your ability to make positive life changes.
  8. Time Efficiency: A coach helps you find the most effective strategies to reach your goals, saving you time and effort that might otherwise be wasted on less effective methods.
  9. Stress Reduction: Knowing you have a dedicated coach to guide you can alleviate the stress and overwhelm often associated with weight loss efforts, making the process more enjoyable.
  10. Community Connection: Many weight loss coaches offer access to community groups or forums where you can connect with others on similar journeys, providing a network of support and shared experiences.

How does a Coach work with you?

A weight loss coach can work with you to come up with personalised plans, accountability, expert guidance, emotional support, and education, making your weight loss journey more effective and sustainable. A coach will help you build confidence, save time, reduce stress, and offer community connection, enhancing your overall experience and success. They are not counsellors or nutritionists.

People who work with a coach typically believe that they can achieve higher performance by changing certain behaviours or mindsets. They view coaching as a way to improve without fear of judgment or failure. They understand that seeking a coach’s guidance is the most effective way to enhance their skills and performance.

You might think you’re doing fine without a coach, but being content with where you are isn’t enough when there’s room for improvement. If you’re not moving forward, you’re actually slipping backward. To understand why settling and being complacent can be harmful, try doing it alone.

Without a coach, your weight loss efforts might keep going in circles—losing weight, then gaining it back—because you’re not addressing the root causes of your weight issues. You might continue making excuses for not losing weight and attract negative influences that enable these excuses or prioritize their needs over yours. Without guidance, you may fall back into old habits and fail to see the obstacles holding you back. What you need is clarity on why you need to lose weight.

If you try to lose weight alone, you might focus on the wrong things, prolonging the journey and potentially never reaching your goals. To determine if working with a weight loss coach is worth it, consider how long you’ve been trying to lose weight and the time and money spent on diets. Do you want to spend more years struggling with weight loss and feeling unhappy with yourself? Isn’t life too short to be unhappy living the life you don’t like?


Sussan is a successful business owner with two thriving businesses and a comfortable lifestyle. However, her relentless focus on work leaves her with little time for anything else. She often opts for quick, unhealthy meals and lacks the time or energy for exercise, leading to weight gain. Her marriage starts suffering, with little quality time spent together, and her husband suggests seeking help, which Sussan dismisses due to her busy schedule. Things get worse, poor communication, and lack of commitment. Eventually, her husband asks for a divorce, because he feels neglected and unimportant in Sussan life.

While Sussan excels financially, other aspects of her life are deteriorating fast. Her lack of balance and prioritization has strained her relationships and compromised her health. Without someone to help her see her blind spots and make positive changes, she risks losing not only her marriage but also her well-being. Working with a coach could help Sussan find the balance she needs to enjoy her success with confidence, freedom, and the people she loves.

In summary, a weight loss coach offers a comprehensive support system that addresses not just the physical aspects of losing weight but the emotional and psychological challenges as well, making your journey towards health more effective and enjoyable. Referrals to other professionals are available such as Psychologist, Counselling etc

How I work with you.

I am a Health and Wellness coach specialising in building habits, mindset, and holistic weight loss. I love helping people come up with solutions that work for them for long-term weight loss.

I help you develop lifetime habits and mindsets that will help you lose weight for good and keep it off.

My Coaching Programs are a complete all-in-one habits, mindset and holistic weight loss personal coaching program that gives you everything you need to transform your life.

  • knowledge
  • systems
  •  tools
  • skills
  • structure
  • accountability

and support to help you lose weight for good so you can reclaim your freedom, vitality, and quality of life.

All you need to do is take the first step in your transformation


Angee's Health and Wellness Coaching

Health and Wellness Coach

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