
Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Imposter sydrome

Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where individuals doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud,” despite evidence of their competence. You may know a friend who is constantly putting themselves down.

People with imposter syndrome often attribute their success to luck, timing, or external factors, rather than their abilities and hard work. I have interacted with people with this mindset on many occasions.

People with Imposter Syndrome may struggle with:


Individuals with imposter syndrome often set extremely high standards for themselves. They believe that anything less than perfection is a failure and fear that any mistake will reveal their inadequacy. This perfectionism can lead to excessive stress and burnout as they constantly strive to meet unattainable goals.


To counteract their self-doubt, people with imposter syndrome may work excessively hard, taking on more tasks than necessary to prove their worth. They feel that they must constantly achieve and outdo themselves to be seen as competent, which can lead to exhaustion and decreased overall performance.

Dismissing Success

Even when they achieve significant milestones, individuals with imposter syndrome downplay their success. They might say things like, “I just got lucky,” or “It wasn’t a big deal,” instead of acknowledging their hard work and skill. This mindset prevents them from fully enjoying their accomplishments and reinforces their feelings of inadequacy.

Fear of Failure

The fear of being exposed as a fraud can lead to intense anxiety about making mistakes. People with imposter syndrome may avoid taking risks or pursuing new opportunities because they fear that any failure will confirm their perceived lack of ability.

Comparison to Others

People with imposter syndrome often compare themselves unfavourably to others, believing that their peers are more talented or capable. This constant comparison exacerbates their feelings of inadequacy and can hinder their professional and personal growth. You are more than enough.

What an Imposter Cycle looks like.

The imposter cycle is a pattern where individuals start a task with anxiety and self-doubt, overprepare to ensure success, achieve the task, and then discount the success as luck or external factors. This cycle perpetuates the belief that they are impostors, regardless of their accomplishments.

How it Impacts on your Weight

Chronic stress from worrying about others’ opinions can elevate levels of the hormone cortisol in your body. Elevated cortisol levels are linked to increased appetite and cravings for high-calorie, sugary foods. Over time, this can lead to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen.

Building a Healthy Relationship with Food and Body Image

Accountability Coaching: Making yourself accountable to a coach will also help you get over imposter syndrome. I will help you set goals and be accountable for taking action towards those goals. I will help you see all the things you are good at, identify any habits or beliefs that are holding you back, and work with you to come up with strategies on how you can overcome them.

If you want to understand who you really are and lose weight. Take the next step and let’s get started.

A Health and Wellness coach specialising in building habits, mindset, and holistic weight loss. I love helping people come up with solutions that work for them for long-term weight loss.

I help you develop lifetime habits and mindsets that will help you lose weight for good and keep it off.

My Coaching Programs are a complete all-in-one habits, mindset and holistic weight loss personal coaching program that gives you everything you need to transform your life.

  • knowledge
  • systems
  •  tools
  • skills
  • structure
  • accountability

and support to help you lose weight for good so you can reclaim your freedom, vitality, and quality of life.

All you need to do is take the first step in your transformation


Angee's Health and Wellness Coaching

Health and Wellness Coach

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